Friday, October 28, 2011

Pelosi Defends Obamacare Waivers: "They're Small Firms"

McDonalds: over 115,000 employees in the U.S.
Jack In The Box: 1,130 employees
United Federation of Teachers Welfare Fund: 351,000
CIGNA: 265,000
United Agricultural Benefit Trust: 17,347
Service Employees Benefit Fund (NY): 12,000 SEIU members
Local 25 SEIU Benefit Fund (Chicago): 31,000

Merit Heart Patch

$10.  This may have to be a stocking stuffer.  At 1791

Feeders Feed Links, Oct. 28, 2011

By the way:

If anyone would like a follower, or has a different twitter name than your feeder name, please let me (us) know here!

Photos of Glenn's event, from Tim in OH:  Nice! TLan80

Guest David Buckner TLan80

Bus FAIL  Thundercross

Military Post Offices In Iraq to Close BananaRepublicCapitalist

James K Polk, by TMBG barefoot patriot

Guest Collin Raye's website TLan80
Collin Raye's video, Love Me CFHeather

Verum Serum on "I Hate Marines" website BananaRepublicCapitalist CoryE-CA

Leftie Wounded marine- Founder of "I Hate Marines" website CFHeather

St. Paul Mercantile Emergency Kit James B- Nashvegas

Guest Opie  TLan80


Food storage/ prepping questions to LaurenNC at

Ninja Mac in WV

Zombie Outbreak Thundercross Thundercross


What do you want to see from the 1791 Brand?
37%: Doesn't matter; can't afford it.

And since Monday is my Anniversary, I might not be here!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Feeders Feed Links

Glenn not on show; on the road again:

Crowd Behavior at Mass Gatherings CFHeather

The Numbers: OWS vs. Tea Party FEDUP MS HOBBIT

Ann Coulter's New Book CFHeather

Erick Stakelbeck TLan80

Mercury Appreciation Marketplace TLan80 BananaRepublicCapitalist  Barb in JKPT NJ‘fall-into-trap’-of-moveon-democratic-party/ CFHeather

Show Guest Lindsey M. Piegza BananaRepublicCapitalist

TLan's Great Idea for a GBTV Christmas Gift

Show Guest Dr. Russel Reno TLan80 TLan80

Show Guest Billy Hallowell TLan80 Thundercross

Bumpersticker from Jake In Denver's business

Show Guest TLan80

Radar Love TLan80


Who is your top Candidate this week?
Herman Cain, 67%

Does being a Mormon keep you from voting for a candidate?
No, 100%

Which person/people deserve to hang on the Feeders Feed butthook?
Michael Moore& Ed Schultz with 47%

Butthok, Round 2:  On the Hook:
Micheal Moore, squeaking over Van Jones with 58%

Does the M.Moore/Schultz deserve the Butthook?
100% yes

Things I enjoy Hearing More Than "Gary the Numbers Guy"

1.  Cats in heat.
2.  Caller Scott.
3.  A loose car fan belt.
4.  Obama.   Wait- that's a tie.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Feeders Second Helpings

From CFHeather:


CFHeather's (self-)neglected blog:

From BananaRepublicCapitalist:!/pokesomi

Ritchie Valens- Donna

From FEDUP MS HOBBIT: "Let the Eagle Soar: by John Ashcroft

From TLan80:
GOMP on caller:

From DM in DM:

From Blewits:

Mac in WV:

From Jake in Denver:

Alvin in SC:


Who is your Douche Hall Pick of the Week?
with 76%:  Caller Scott!

How ready are you for a disaster? How big is your stash?
With 45%:  Enough for 3-6 months  (or should I say 3 6 months?)

Feeders Feed Post Speed:
57%:  "I can multitask."

Comment From BananaRepublicCapitalist 
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Feeders Feed Leftovers, Oct. 25, 2011“president-obama-gets-off-on-it”/ (stinky)

stinky's cruise-thru nuse links (aside from Mercury websites)
and just for the hating on Michelle:

About the previous night's Aurora Borealis:

and from Tim in Oh:

and from Jeffi Muckenfuch in AMich:
Photos in the Denver Post

From TLan80:

Baby Pulled Alive from Quake Rubble in Turkey

The Real Mrs. Jeffy!

Mac in WV's Blog!


From CFHeather:

From Thundercross: he he he

Great idea: Jeffycam, or a Day in the Life of Jeffy!


Where (or when) will you say YES to the Veto Override on the 4th hour?
66%  (with 77%- hey, it would have passed our, veto, but not Stu & Pats!)

If you could add one person to GBTV, who would it be?
With 75%, The Judge!

What is Missing from GBTV?
Evidently, NOTHING! (A survival show, an early morning news/weather/comedy show, a sports show, and a Jeffy show were the choices)

and DM in DM reeeeaaallllyyyy hates tea.

and thanks to ZephyrK9 for waking up in time to say goodbye to everyone!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Feeders Feed, Oct. 24, 2011  A forum from TLan80 to gather, have fun, promote, share, and more.

Internet Archives/ Web page section (Thundercross) (Donna Reed) sojourners (TLan80) (TLan80)


What part of OWS bothers you most?
Mainstream media's mostly positive coverage 59%

What is scarier?
All of the above to previous poll.  59%

What is the best way to end OWS?
Expose the backers- the Occupiers are mere tools of more dangerous organizations.  50%

Do you want JKPT to continue?
Yes, 72%

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Feeders Feed Leftovers, Oct. 21, 2011

Show Guests:
Heather MacDonald, Manhattan Institute

New Article of ConFEEDeration (DM in DM)

We the people of the Feeders Feed, in order to form a more orderly feed, do hereby remove Personal Feed Anarchy from the Feeders Feed. In its stead, the establishment of moderated posts will commence immediately and continue indefinitely.
1. As the FF has grown, the instance of numerous cross conversations has increased, causing several members to follow the Feeders Feed instead of GBTV. We will still allow most, if not all comments, but wish to slow the flow of comments in order to allow all Feeders the chance to participate and enjoy both the Feeders Feed and GBTV.
2. Please be respectful of others and refrain from using foul or inappropriate language
3. Please be patient with your Fearless Leader, DMR/Donna Reed, and her two minions, *TLan80* & DM in DM, because we are all amateur moderators/administrators.
4. Jeffy has visited the Feeders Feed in the past and is free and welcome to drop in at any time. However,this an unofficial feed, linked by Jeffy out of the goodness of his heart on the official Feed. 
5. In the words of the honorable @JKPTuesday, “we are not employees of Glenn Beck, just fans.”

Courtesy DM in DM:  Friday is now: SJTF!
"As you already know, James K Polk Tuesday is one of the most beloved segments of both the Feed and the 4th Hour. You also know that such an Unofficial location as the Feeders Feed would not dare sully the good name and reputation of JKPT by attempting to recreate that magic through the dedication of a day to an obscure president...
We do, however, have absolutely NO problem celebrating a day in honor of someone even more obscure than a marginally important 19th century president...

Without further ado, we hereby declare that all clipshow/best of/ non-Glenn GBTV Fridays will be dedicated, from this day forward, to....

Almost President but not Al Gore.....
Samuel J Tilden!!!"

And begins us with:

Here is today's inaugural SJTF fact:
Samuel J. Tilden won a majority of both the popular vote and the electoral vote but, he lost the presidency to Rutherford B. Hayes through an informal deal known as the Compromise of 1877. However, unlike certain other popular vote winners in American electoral history, SJT accepted the results of the Compromise and retired from politics shortly afterword. SJT's gracious acceptance of the result is forever memorialized on his gravestone, which bears the words, “I Still Trust in the People”


Unholy Alliance David Horowitz

"Cain is fully Pro-Life" (Dee) (flo)

(( goes)))  :)

Poll Returns:

Does Herman Cain's abortion statement bother you...
41% you need clarity from Cain before making a decision. honest: what do you really think of SJTF
with 69%- like it!

Who do you like for VP?
with 60%- West.

VP, Round 2
with 78%- West

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Feeders Feed Bits, Oct 20, 2011

From the Show:  Glenn's List of Home Schooling Resources

Links to Articles:

ABC Reporter's Life Threatened by Occupy Oakland

This from the "Too Sick to Make Up" department:  OWS Pamphlet Discourages Rape victims from Contacting Police

Show Guest Richard Paul Evans

Book List:

Full Black Brad Thor
Old Nancy Drew: Buy as old as possible; both they and the Hardy Boys are regularly updated to reflect the times.  Same with Trixie Belden- do not buy any past the first 6; they become very liberal.
Bunnicula Series
Chronicles of Narnia and others by C.S. Lewis
Captains Courageous, Rudyard Kipling
Sherlock Holmes, A. Conan Doyle
Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck
The Good Earth Pearl S. Buck
Macbeth Shakespeare
Catcher In The Rye Salinger 

Poll Results:

Who is your Favorite GBTV Personality (other than Glenn)?  With 33%, Jeffy

Who is your Top Pick for President?  with 76%, Herman Cain

If Rom-nut wins, what will you do?  with 38%, "know the end is near"

Feeders Feed Bits: Oct. 19, 2011

Mercury One on the Internet:

On Facebook

On Twitter  and

On Freedomworks

More links to guests:

Dinesh Dsouza

David Horowitz- Freedom Center

CFHeather's Scribd page

Ulsterman Report, with interviews of a WH Insider.

And the supposed "Stu Blog."

Sorry, but I refuse to put up a link to "Gary the Numbers Guy!"

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sound like OWS?

George Harrison on Haight-Ashbury:
 "I went there expecting it to be a brilliant place, with groovy gypsy people making works of art and paintings and carvings in little workshops. But it was full of horrible spotty drop-out kids on drugs, and it turned me right off the whole scene. I could only describe it as being like the Bowery: a lot of bums and drop-outs."

GBTV Dictionary

Leave a note, if you have additions/ changes!

"6 8" (adj.): A general amount of time in Glenn's mind; i.e. "Jeffy, I've been saying this for what, 6 8 years?"

Bonhoeffer, Deitrich:  Glenn's idea of an exciting Friday night.  Actually, an amazing man, and a great book.

Disclaimer: What you don't want Jeffy to post.

Doody: To be said after Glenn says "duty" on air (a key job performed by Natasha during her time as an intern).

Douche Hall of Fame:  Pretty self-explanatory.

Feeder: a participant in GBTV's Live Blog.  Also known as spelling police, and by Jeffy as a sick freak.

Franking:  to relieve ones self of excess pressure, preferably on air.

Funemployed:  Raj Nair's description of a lazy-ass bastard's lifetime vacation from working.

James K. Polk: The most trivial president evah.

Kalifah  (n.) Glenn's pronunciation of Kilafah.

Lo (n.)  Felipe Calderon's version of the Law.

Much: (v.)  As in, "Resist we much!" must (as per Al Sharpton )

Perfessor (n.) Professor (radio pronunciation by almost any GBTV radio personality).

Shoe/XXX or XXX/Shoe (candidate ticket)  Specifically, Bill O'Reilly's shoe.

SQUIRREL!:  What you say when you want to attract someones attention from a subject;

Stu's blog:  A myth which Jeffy keeps trying to push on Feeders.

Sure sure: sarcasm

Woodrow Wilson:  Glenn's favorite president (not so much).

Word To Your Mother: What happens if you say "Word" to Keith.

People You're Likely To Meet On The Blaze:

Brian:  comedian, and host of "The B.S. of A.," and "Mercury Theater."

En Fuego:  The Blaze's mascot.

Jeffy: The sickest freak, and moderator of the Feed.   Don't try to rob around him on a train; you're asking for it.

Keith: Phone Call screener.  Fan of Vanilla Ice, and of Yellowknife, NWT Canada.

Natasha :  Intern.  I mean, FORMER intern (sorry, Natasha).  Tester of "As Seen On TV" products, JKP trivia expert, and maker of Snickers pie.

Pat: Yoda and Al Gore Impersonator.

Sarah : Engineer for whom Jeffy is a source of annoyance.

Stu:  Resident Female impersonator

"The Bees Know"  After a swarm of bees attacked the White House, a fly landed on Obamas face, a rat ran in front of the everpresent teleprompter, and a priest was supposedly thrown through a White House window, it was suspected that the President had a relationship with the Dark Lord (not George Soros; the other one).  Who would know for certain?  The bees.     Now a throwout answer for any unanswerable question.

Feeders Feed Tidbits Oct 17, 2011

Short list today; we were trying to keep up with the questions!
Glenn's List of Questions for Occupy Wall Street Protesters

From LaurenNC: Feed Prep for questions and ideas.

Poll:  If someone is missing from the 4th Hour, it becomes the Jeffy Show.

From BananaRepublicCapitalist:  Costco Deal $999 delivered -- 3-month, 2-person food supply with 55-gal water barrel.

Poll#2 Outcome: Mitt Romney is worst candidate (after Obama).

JKPT Facebook Page

JKPT Twitter Page

Poll#3 Outcome: Should JKPT continue?  53%=yes, 47%=yes.

The Horse Soldiers of 9/11

Sunday, October 16, 2011

For WHAT Are We Preparing?

For which contingencies are we getting ready?

Is it for a natural disaster (Hurricane Katrina;  major crop failure or drought)?

Will it be as simple (heh) as living in a Soviet-style socialist world, where bread lines are hours long, surgeries are scheduled years in advance, every item produced (except for life numbing alcohol and drugs) are shoddily made?

Will it be a world where the dollar has lost buying power: any everyday item which CANNOT be produced or grown in the U.S.  (coffee, spices, out of season foods) will be prohibitively expensive, and will have to be done without, retooled to be built in the U.S., or alternatives found?

Will it be an attack by foreign powers, i.e. an EMP which will destroy electronics- communications, vehicles, fuel pumps FOR the vehicles; a threat of attack or actual attack?

Will it be a social breakdown due to anarchy or union strikes where warehouses are robbed clean, police cannot protect, businesses are shut down, communications and food supplies are broken?

Will the Government turn on us "for our own protection" due to a real or invented crisis?

Will I stay in my own home, move in with others, or bug out at a minute's notice?

Will the effects of the event be temporary (say, a week) or will it require a complete change of lifestyle?

I'm not being conspiratorial or trying to raise fears; I want to think things out, so I can make hierarchies of lists:  short-term vs. long term supplies; what things I can (do, make, raise) vs. what are dependent on others; what is needed for one event (tornado, temporary power outage) vs. another (dirty bomb attack).  What is the likelihood of one event happening before another?

edit:  Rereading this, it sounds insane.  However:  after losing power for a week due to Hurricane Ike, it isn't. And it is no less insane than the current events which are motivating it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


About two years ago, I wanted to take up fly fishing instead of casting (an excuse to have fly-tying as a hobby), but didn't want to spend a lot of money on equipment. Then I found Tenkara: looks like a cane pole, but is used like short-cast fly fishing. Ultra compact, loads of fun. And I can now spend cold winter hours, playing with fur, feathers and hooks.

Learn about Tenkara fishing here.  Start with the bottom video.

I bought my 11' medium action rod from All Fishing Buy

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blog Makeover

Eliminating some old posts; will try to update any broken links.
Also: working on adding printable or downloadable techniques/ uses of suggested supplies, etc.

Will allow posts, unless spamming begins. Any suggestions from Feeders are welcome.

Feeder's Feed (Oct. 13-14.2011) Tips

Glenn's Prep List

9/12 Project

How To Survive TEOTWAWKI
The Backyard Homestead
Country Wisdom and Know-How
Surviving the Apocalypse In The Suburbs
*Source of used / out of print books: abebooks (Blewits)

Tan Your Hide!
Deerskins to Buckskins
Primitive Skills and Crafts
Wildwood Wisdom
Native American Crafts and Skills
Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas
Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning (flo)

Worst Case Survival Handbook
Collins GEM SAS Survival Guide (BenInNY)

Kill It & Grill It (TruthBeagle)

Not Your Mother's Food Storage (LaurenNC)

Land of the Free (Mac In WV)

Info Links:

EMP Bomb Protection (TLan80)

Suggested Sources:

Tattler Reusable Canning Lids
Survival Acres
Honevville Freeze Dried Foods
Cheaper Than Dirt
Lehman's Non-Electric Catalog

Recommended Supplies:

Duct Tape
Toilet paper
Toilet paper
Baking Soda
Alcohol (Pure Grain, Vodka)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Toilet Paper
Dryer Lint & candle stubs for making fire starters
Steel wool & 9v. batteries for fire starters
Maps & compass

Oh, and Toilet paper.

U.S. Military Manuals, Free to Download

Survival Books