Monday, October 17, 2011

GBTV Dictionary

Leave a note, if you have additions/ changes!

"6 8" (adj.): A general amount of time in Glenn's mind; i.e. "Jeffy, I've been saying this for what, 6 8 years?"

Bonhoeffer, Deitrich:  Glenn's idea of an exciting Friday night.  Actually, an amazing man, and a great book.

Disclaimer: What you don't want Jeffy to post.

Doody: To be said after Glenn says "duty" on air (a key job performed by Natasha during her time as an intern).

Douche Hall of Fame:  Pretty self-explanatory.

Feeder: a participant in GBTV's Live Blog.  Also known as spelling police, and by Jeffy as a sick freak.

Franking:  to relieve ones self of excess pressure, preferably on air.

Funemployed:  Raj Nair's description of a lazy-ass bastard's lifetime vacation from working.

James K. Polk: The most trivial president evah.

Kalifah  (n.) Glenn's pronunciation of Kilafah.

Lo (n.)  Felipe Calderon's version of the Law.

Much: (v.)  As in, "Resist we much!" must (as per Al Sharpton )

Perfessor (n.) Professor (radio pronunciation by almost any GBTV radio personality).

Shoe/XXX or XXX/Shoe (candidate ticket)  Specifically, Bill O'Reilly's shoe.

SQUIRREL!:  What you say when you want to attract someones attention from a subject;

Stu's blog:  A myth which Jeffy keeps trying to push on Feeders.

Sure sure: sarcasm

Woodrow Wilson:  Glenn's favorite president (not so much).

Word To Your Mother: What happens if you say "Word" to Keith.

People You're Likely To Meet On The Blaze:

Brian:  comedian, and host of "The B.S. of A.," and "Mercury Theater."

En Fuego:  The Blaze's mascot.

Jeffy: The sickest freak, and moderator of the Feed.   Don't try to rob around him on a train; you're asking for it.

Keith: Phone Call screener.  Fan of Vanilla Ice, and of Yellowknife, NWT Canada.

Natasha :  Intern.  I mean, FORMER intern (sorry, Natasha).  Tester of "As Seen On TV" products, JKP trivia expert, and maker of Snickers pie.

Pat: Yoda and Al Gore Impersonator.

Sarah : Engineer for whom Jeffy is a source of annoyance.

Stu:  Resident Female impersonator

"The Bees Know"  After a swarm of bees attacked the White House, a fly landed on Obamas face, a rat ran in front of the everpresent teleprompter, and a priest was supposedly thrown through a White House window, it was suspected that the President had a relationship with the Dark Lord (not George Soros; the other one).  Who would know for certain?  The bees.     Now a throwout answer for any unanswerable question.

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