Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Feeders Feed, Nov. 15, 2011

For personal twitter, facebook, etc. links, post and find them at http://mercuryradioarts.proboards.com/; I'd rather not repeat too much personal info here.

What do Feeders do that annoy you, and how can we help you, or make the Feed better?
Jeffy's Answer: Truthfully I don't get annoyed I enjoy the comments and it makes it a lot of fun to read them and to make the Feed better just keep doing what you already are doing.
(That was MY Question!)


Winners of The Real Mrs. Jeffy's Cookies Contest:
TIm Lanzilotta (TLan80) and Jeff Hoffman!

My apologies for the useless Feed, Alvin in SC.  Sorry if none of these links help you as much as your repeat of a tweet helped us.  Next time, provide a link, instead of saying something out of the blue, without proof, a source, or more information.  Please come back if we can help you more! (not being sarcastic, for once.)  ( ok, those first two things probably didn't help you too much in life.)

DM in DM: 
Feeders Feed Feeders!!!
We are working on another exclusive 10 part Q & A just for the Feeders Feed...and we need your help!! Our second target is Natasha!!!
Here's what you need to do:
Come up with your best question or questions for Natasha and email them to me >> DM in DM (kuhb00m@mchsi.com)
The three of us will sift through your questions and pick out the best 10 to send to Natasha.
When Natasha replies with her answers, we will make an announcement and post them during a segment called "What Natasha Says"
By the way, you will only find the Natasha Q&A on the Feeders Feed!!!

(Sorry, Alvin; that probably didn't help you, either.)

TMBG- JKP DanielT.Stack

Barnes & Noble CoryE-CA

Show Guests Trevor Louden and Buck Sexton Tlan80

Trevor Louden's http://keywiki.org/ of communism (Beck Junkie), and

Movie Monica and David (Robert in DFW)

JKPT Fact, from TLan80: JKPT fact: Sarah Polk had the longest widowhood of any 1st Lady at 42 years.

(I'm really striking out with useless stuff today, aren't I, Alvin?  If you're looking to trade information, or have lengthy discussion, perhaps going to http://mercuryradioarts.proboards.com/ and sharing information would be better?)

(There!  that should be of some use.  Mainly because Peachy showed a source.  Hint Hint)

(By the way, I found the link myself): Police Shoot Gunman at UC Berkeley Occupy  THANKS, ALVIN

Comment From Matt - Delco PA 
this is now my first 1.5 hrs on this feed. i really like it. its a step up from the original feed.
Hi, Matt!  Matt, meet Alvin.  Alvin, meet...  Alvin?  Alvin?

http://oDesk.com/ Remote Staffing (CoryE-CA)

Who is your top Candidate this week?
with 33%, Rick Santorum

Comment From Mel NY: Did that man fart?

Hey, wait- Donna likes my WHAT?

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