Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Feeders Feed Links, Nov. 30, 2011


After coming up with my compromise/JKPT amendment yesterday, I was thinking we have more fun with this whole tyranny thing and maybe need to change our name from 66%ers, to show we represent more than a veto percent, that we stand against all forms of 4th Hour tyranny.   I was thinking of something short that could easily be put into a screen name. Here are some names I came up with.  Do you like any of these?  Do you have a name?



F.A.T. (Feeders Against Tyranny)
FF/FFF/F4F (Feeders For Freedom)
S.O.L. (Sons Of Liberty)


@Dee:  If you go for a revolver, get a .357.  You can still use .38s in it, and graduate to .357s if you want.

Obama Talks of Raising Taxes CFHeather

Free Online Class on the Constitution James B-Nashvegas

James Wesley Rawles' Survivors CFHeather

Medal of Honor Winner Accused of Mental Instability CFHeather

Jams B's Comrade Barry T-shirt

Fire Starter for GoBag TheRealMrsJeffy
Crank Light

(won't put up the link to your gift, Mac, in case your wife looks!)

Wait, WHAT?  How did Jeffy get to be a moderator HERE?!? CoryE-CA

Which person/people most deserve to hang on the Feeders Feed BUTTHOOK? The winner will be voted on tomorrow.
With 40%, Ft. Worth HOA (fined family $7200 for sign)

Should 66%ers become  "The JKPT Army," to show we represent more than a veto percent, that we stand against all forms of 4th Hour tyranny.
57%, YES

meg's husband makes custom concealed carry holsters.

*TLan80*Long live JKPT!: yay Ohio!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Feeders Feed Liks Nov. 29, 2011

SLouching Toward Gomorrah, by Robert Bork  CFHeather Donna

Show Guest Kyle Olson TLan CFHeather

Ribbit Buzz GBTV Fan Site
on Facebook
On Twitter Donna

TLan's Plan to Fight Stu and Pat's Tyranny

Jim Cantore on Thundersnow Laura NYC

Diabetes Solution, Dr. Burns Gwen

(to keep Judy-AZ calm)

How may times will Glenn tear up?
5-10 times, 40%

Is Herman Cain done?
83%, Yes

Would you vote for the 4th Hour Constitution if my amendment/veto compromise was added?
100% yes

Monday, November 28, 2011

Feeders Feed Links, Nov. 28, 2011

DM in DM:

We are working on another exclusive 10 part Q & A just for the Feeders Feed...and we need your help!! Our second target is Natasha!!!
Here's what you need to do:
Come up with your best question or questions for Natasha and email them to me >> DM in DM (
The three of us will sift through your questions and pick out the best 10 to send to Natasha. (There are no rules about what you can or can't ask)
When Natasha replies with her answers, we will make an announcement and post them during a segment called "What Natasha Says"
By the way, you will only find the Natasha Q&A on the Feeders Feed!!!

Ding Fries Are Done ZephyrK9

"Seven Events That Made America" available for $4.95 today at Annette in IL

US Ammo James B-Nashvegas

Duck & Cover video, Mac in WV

Wiki on OECD mainer

Weird Al- Christmas at Ground Zero Tim in OH

Andy Stanley's Declaration of Dependence F4F

Alan Moore Discusses How His V for Vendetta Mask Was Adopted by OWS Tim in OH

Do you think people in America will be rounded up/ sent to camps (again)
Yes (don't know when)  50%?  (results disappeared)

Which is better, cake or pie?
PIE at 53%!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving To All My Feeder Friends!

And Welcome the Advent Season

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Feeders Feed Links, Nov. 22, 2011

(around 3:20 is when it starts getting hot!)

Composer for Sesame Street Accused of Child Porn Alvin in SC

Report spam phone texts to Barb in N NJ

Rahm Emmanuel Farts on Charlie Rose BenInNY

Audible, a Source of Audio Books Dee

The Secret Knowledge, by David Mamet Beck junkie PeachyInGA

GOP Debate Schedule Annette in IL

Web Comic  Thundercross

Map of U.S. by Distances to McDonalds flo

**WARNING** GRAPHIC LINKGerman Shepherd Tortured by Fireworks ZephyrK9

Facebook link from Mac in WV  (link unavailable?)

How "On Game" is your spouse?
100% gets 33% of votes

Is your family "awake?"
Yes (all/most) 38%

Are you staying home or traveling for Thanksgiving?
Home 83%, Travel 17%   (what, no Jeffy answer of "yes?")

MoKrissy from Cincy: The shaking farts r the worst!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Feeders Feed Links, Nov 17- 18- 21, 2011

Thank You All
For your thoughts and prayers;
I truly appreciate them.
My family said my dad was holding onto life, until I got to see him one last time.
He was truly a strong man.

But now, it's time to carry on what I see as my Dad's work:
Reaching Out and Touching Lives, One at a Time.

I'll be in and out the next few days; I lost time to prepare for Thanksgiving.

p.s.  Thank you to the Patrolman who saluted as my Dad went past.

And Now, For Something Completely Different: It's-

Thurs, Nov. 17.


If YOU were President, who would you pick as your VP running mate, and who would you pick to fill up your Cabinet?
Jeffy's Answer: Well VP in ral life would be Joe Kerry and I'll put Monica Lewinsky in my cabinet, I think you know why. 

Wiki of N17 mainer

Show Guest David Buckner (Tlan80)

Show Guest Pastor John Hagee (TLan80)

Show Guest, NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (TLan80)

Does Jerry Sandusky deserve to hang on the BUTTHOOK? (95% needed)
100% YES

Comment from Mac in WV: @Zak, my words are free, unless it's Hillbillitarianism™ (My political policy)

Friday Nov. 18

                  Are there any other projects you'd like to do for GBTV or personally; and if so, what?

Jeffy's Answer: Announce Football Games would be the dream job but would like to do a sports show  or be the Andy Rooney of GBTV and I want to voice movie trailers. But the true dream job would be the Captain of the Heinz Police Department.

And Natasha has agreed to be Interrogated!
Hey Dave! That is such a great idea!! What an honor! :) Yes, please send me any and all questions and I will happily respond. One of these days I will join y'all on the Feeders Feed, I promise!


Samuel J. Tilden Fact for 11/18/11 (Thank you, DM!)

Scandal and mudslinging are not new to American politics, and SJT had his share during the 1876 campaign. Tilden did have a record of reform while governor of New York but showed some reluctance to join the reform movement to clean up corruption in New York politics, which had been under the control of 19th century mobster, Boss Tweed's Tamany Hall, for years.
This caused many Republican supporters to claim that his reform efforts were little more than lip service.
The following cartoons from Harper's Weekly illustrate why Rutherford Hayes called Harper's cartoonist, Thomas Nast, "the most powerful single-handed aid we had."

Show Guest Peter Schweitzer TLan80

Sad Trombone Thundercross

Scooter Mac in WV

Do you like the B.S. of A.?
92% YES

Do you believe in conspiracies?
No results

Mon. Nov. 21:

Soros: "My Plan Could Save Euro" CFHeather

Fed Chairman Game mainer

Judge Judy, Revolutionary Politics video Here's Who You Support With Taxes Zakattak

Do you have a Get-Outa-Dodge (GOD) bag or a BOB (Bug Out Bag) in you car that includes food, 
water, change of clothes, 1st aid kit, temp shelter and comfy hiking boots/shoes?
46$%-No;   42%- kinda, not all the stuff in it; 13% yes.

In your preparation, are you including pets and family?
83% YES.

Who is your top candidate this week?
56%, Michelle Bachmann

There is a Feeders "Tupperware Party" going on- which day would be best for you to attend?
76%  Saturday, TBD CoryE-CA

Show Guest Dr. Keith Ablow TLan80

Desert Bus For Hope Thundercross

Photos, courtesy DM

DM: teri..congress has special butts

Thursday, November 17, 2011

GoodBye, Dad

Sept. 11, 1923- Nov.17, 2011.  He & my mother celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary on Monday.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Feeders Feed Links, Nov. 16, 2011

Yes, I went back to the town of my childhood today.
Southern Ohio is Looking to the Future: I saw only one out house on the drive down.

Question #7:
How did you meet the Real Mrs. Jeffy?
Jeffy's Answer, From THE REAL MRS. JEFFY!!: 
I do get asked how I met Jeff, well here is the back story of a great relationship and marriage.
I was invited to see the behind the scenes of WFLA on November 11, 1999 and I was really excited to see how a radio station worked and never expected to meet my future husband. I had been listening to 970 since I was 16 and heard Jeffy’s voice on the air, one thing is sometimes the voice never matches what you think they look like. I walked in and met this 6’2″ shaved head guy with the voice. I was pleasantly surprised and liked what I saw.
We chatted and I got to watch the master of the board at work. After the show Jeffy walked me out to my car and we talked some more. I offered to give him my number and he said NO! I still don’t know why, he won’t tell me. But I wasn’t going to take no for an answer and I thought if anything he’d be a good friend to have. So I called him at the station and asked him if he would like to go out after work for a quick bite and a drink. So I met him at the station and we took my truck and he drove to Walter’s Press Box on Dale Mabry and talked until 1am. Probably the best conversation I ever had!

Proposed OWS Demands keithmobile73

Ringworm Outbreak at Occupy Santa Cruz ZephyrK9

Jake in Denver: "Sorry!"

De La Soul video: Me, Myself and I Jake in Denver

Nice.  CFHeather's Photo of the throngs at Occupy Youngstown

OWS Global day of Action Dee

Phil Liberatore Received Death Threats, Dogs Killed ZephyrK9

Show Guest Jerry Boykin TLan80
Show Guest Buck Sexton

Email link for Booklet: CoryE-CA Thundercross

DM's quick draw to the it because
50%: He's just plain weird- that's all I know

Which person/people most deserve to hang on the the Feeders Feed BUTTHOOK?
The winner will be voted on tomorrow.
41% Clinton Trifecta (Bill, Hillary & Chelsea)

Repoll: Which person/people most deserve to hang on the the Feeders Feed BUTTHOOK?
The winner will be voted on tomorrow.
45%, Jerry Sandusky

Comment From Annette in IL: TLan, do you have OUR cookies yet?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Extra Special Bonus Video!

Feeders Feed, Nov. 15, 2011

For personal twitter, facebook, etc. links, post and find them at; I'd rather not repeat too much personal info here.

What do Feeders do that annoy you, and how can we help you, or make the Feed better?
Jeffy's Answer: Truthfully I don't get annoyed I enjoy the comments and it makes it a lot of fun to read them and to make the Feed better just keep doing what you already are doing.
(That was MY Question!)


Winners of The Real Mrs. Jeffy's Cookies Contest:
TIm Lanzilotta (TLan80) and Jeff Hoffman!

My apologies for the useless Feed, Alvin in SC.  Sorry if none of these links help you as much as your repeat of a tweet helped us.  Next time, provide a link, instead of saying something out of the blue, without proof, a source, or more information.  Please come back if we can help you more! (not being sarcastic, for once.)  ( ok, those first two things probably didn't help you too much in life.)

DM in DM: 
Feeders Feed Feeders!!!
We are working on another exclusive 10 part Q & A just for the Feeders Feed...and we need your help!! Our second target is Natasha!!!
Here's what you need to do:
Come up with your best question or questions for Natasha and email them to me >> DM in DM (
The three of us will sift through your questions and pick out the best 10 to send to Natasha.
When Natasha replies with her answers, we will make an announcement and post them during a segment called "What Natasha Says"
By the way, you will only find the Natasha Q&A on the Feeders Feed!!!

(Sorry, Alvin; that probably didn't help you, either.)

TMBG- JKP DanielT.Stack

Barnes & Noble CoryE-CA

Show Guests Trevor Louden and Buck Sexton Tlan80

Trevor Louden's of communism (Beck Junkie), and

Movie Monica and David (Robert in DFW)

JKPT Fact, from TLan80: JKPT fact: Sarah Polk had the longest widowhood of any 1st Lady at 42 years.

(I'm really striking out with useless stuff today, aren't I, Alvin?  If you're looking to trade information, or have lengthy discussion, perhaps going to and sharing information would be better?)

(There!  that should be of some use.  Mainly because Peachy showed a source.  Hint Hint)

(By the way, I found the link myself): Police Shoot Gunman at UC Berkeley Occupy  THANKS, ALVIN

Comment From Matt - Delco PA 
this is now my first 1.5 hrs on this feed. i really like it. its a step up from the original feed.
Hi, Matt!  Matt, meet Alvin.  Alvin, meet...  Alvin?  Alvin? Remote Staffing (CoryE-CA)

Who is your top Candidate this week?
with 33%, Rick Santorum

Comment From Mel NY: Did that man fart?

Hey, wait- Donna likes my WHAT?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Feeders Feed, Nov. 14, 2011

What is your favorite “as seen on tv” product?

The Magic Bullet, I own one and love it! From the ones we did, The Bib thing, It sucked but I got a lot free food out of the deal. 

Link Fail

Book A Beautiful Life by Robin Walensky (CoryE)

David Morris' BurrNYvampire

5 Gal. Jerry Can and Spout mainer

Polls: Did you like the B.S. of A?
84% YES
Do you watch the debates?
46%: Yes-some.

One of the few videos I've ever seen of him performing. 
Vince Guaraldi

Comment From Alvin in SC 

My, your cold sores are so soft