Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tupperware Party! 1

E1, Enightenment:  Visit a food bank as a client.  If you need items, accept them thankfully.  If you do not, leave them.


  1. To prepare in case you Really need to be a client.
  2. "Empathy' training for hungry people you may help later.  Food banks usually only allow people to visit once a month.  Families who use food banks have little in their pantries, so that pancake mix is useless without eggs or milk; peanut butter peanut butter not as useful without bread

E2, Education:  Determine which one skill you see yourself lacking that could strengthen you in your self-sufficiency.
        Find a free resource to learn it.

E3, Empowerment:  Ponder your life's dream.  What obstacles do you have?  Eliminate the smallest one.

E4: Entrepreneurship:  Determine your passion.  What is THE activity where time is suspended, where you forget dinner time, that naturally focuses you?

The idea behind the FOUR action items is to allow you to choose just one or all four; you can follow a certain E path or just attend to the one that calls your name.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely summary, sir!
    Best touch was one of my favorite men, Mr. Johnny Cash!

