Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ready to Scream, or: The Cult of Personality

Went to In-laws for the evening & Super Bowl.

Who are you voting for?

Sister in law: "Obama again."
"I like him."
Why do you like him?
"Just because."
Mother in Law: "Because he's better than the others." (she voted for him before, because she thought Biden had dreamy eyes) (I call them two raisons in a bowl of cream of wheat.)
How is he better than the others?
"Well, who does Newt remind you of?" (she asked my wife)
Don't know.
"XXX XXXX." (A gay person she knew.)
"And did you see the tie Romney was wearing?"

The evening continues.
We go into health care, entitlements, taxes, agencies, anything they hate about government, EVERYTHING WHICH OBAMA IS DOING, and they STILL can't get it through their thick heads, and they're still going to vote for him AGAIN.  The good thing is, three of my sister-in-laws four kids know what's going on, while the fourth is a liberal hippy "Let's save everyone" sucker, and they're all voting age.

Mother in law ended with, of all things, "It shouldn't be so hard; all they have to do is follow the Constitution."

My wife just said, "I've never seen you this mad.  Monkeys flinging pooh at the windows wouldn't make you this mad."

I can hose crap off the windows; I can't hose the stupid off.

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