First, I don't like to be on camera, and second, WHY and HOW would I have such a stupid video camera? Also: I'm good at rewriting things, not writing things on demand, and I really don't want to go to New York.
I never remember dreams, so that makes it bad. I remember this as a recurring dream, which means either I had deja vu in a dream; or it really did happen before, and I keep cramming it really deep down in my hole of memories.
I was at a Little League baseball game, when a fight broke out. My camera man (at a kid's game?) (my own camera man?) captured me doing hilarious things (which I can never remember, which is why I'm in Ohio) involving a banjo & Bigfoot (a true life non-event which did NOT include me; don't ask). I rushed with the film (FILM?!?) to New York to get it developed, to show to Brian Sack.
Now the weird part.
The film itself was about two feet wide, and as thick as a cheap flower print vinyl tablecloth from the Dollar Store. Brian himself show me how to develop it. Who would have known he had such skills at working with something that would put Imax equipment to shame?
1. Cut film into 3 foot sections.
2. Fold the corners back two inches.
3. Shove each corner into the tool which melts the folded-over section together, and punches a hole in it. Brian explains: "The film is SO FREAKING HEAVY, it has to be reinforced so the machine doesn't tear it when it goes through."
4. Lay film on conveyer belt, put the punches holes over the pegs on the conveyer belt when they come up, and make sure it's flat.
5. Run to the other side of the machine, grabbing the heat-proof gloves as you go. The film is really hot and floppy at this point. No one thought of putting something on the other side of the machine to catch the film, so one must grab it, or it will fall to the floor and stick to itself in a big Saran-wrap-like mess. Did I mention it's really hot? And two feet wide? And a sheet of heavy rubber with what looks like three magnetic strips on it? (unless that's a mistake, and I went to New York only to have bad film)
I asked Brian WHY he used such a ridiculous and impossible media, but he shrugged his shoulders, and sheepishly said "That's what we have." I don't know if that was his way of trying to not work with outside people, or his way of saying "Glenn thought it would be a good character builder to make me the ONLY COMEDIAN IN THE WORLD to use this archane format."
(And what would the camera look like, that I would have someone follow me around using it?!?)
And there's Jack Helmuth off to the side, laughing his ass off.
The American Spirit Speaks: "To the Judge of Right and Wrong, With Whom fulfillment lies- Our purpose and power belong, Our faith and sacrifice. To the God in Man displayed, Wheree’er we see that Birth- Be love and understanding paid- As never yet on earth! To the Spirit that moves in Man, On Whom all worlds depend- Be Glory since our world began, And service to the end!" - Rudyard Kipling, The Choice
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas to All My Feeder Friends!
Thank you for the year, the information, the support, and the new friendships.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Feeders Feed Links, "Twas the Week Before Christmas" Edition Part Deaux
Dec. 21, 2011
From Comrade Obama: Hey, Kids- Convert Your Family to Socialism This Christmas! Gwen
@ Laura: No, I do NOT have a blog like Stu!! :) Laura NYC TLan80
Does This Remind Anyone of Anybody? Laura
Old Faithful Webcam Rainmaker Joe
Which person/ people most deserve to hang on the Feeders Butthook? (winner chosen tomorrow)
70% Time mag& their "Person of the Year"
Going to Dallas in July?
No results
From Comrade Obama: Hey, Kids- Convert Your Family to Socialism This Christmas! Gwen
@ Laura: No, I do NOT have a blog like Stu!! :) Laura NYC TLan80
Does This Remind Anyone of Anybody? Laura
Old Faithful Webcam Rainmaker Joe
Which person/ people most deserve to hang on the Feeders Butthook? (winner chosen tomorrow)
70% Time mag& their "Person of the Year"
Going to Dallas in July?
No results
Dec. 22, 2011
@Nix: I think this is the video. I've seen it before; I highly recommend it.
Go BSU fedup hobbit
Who should be the official Feeders Feed Food Taster?
With 38%, Annette
Does Time Magazine & Their "Person of the Year" (a Protestor) Deserve to hang on the butthook?
100% yes
Monday, December 19, 2011
Feeders Feed Links, "Twas the Week Before Christmas" Edition
Monday, Dec. 19.
Congratulations, Judy Az, pen name Laurel Hawkes on the Book Deal!
How Ron Paul Supporters Spam Online Polls ZephyrK9
Congratulations, Judy Az, pen name Laurel Hawkes on the Book Deal!
How Ron Paul Supporters Spam Online Polls ZephyrK9
Friday, December 16, 2011
Feeders Links, Dec. 16, 2011
Jeffy, Tanya, & Glenn
Natasha & Amber
Thank you Amber, for the Photos!
Basenji Rescue B_rad
*TLan80* Merry Christmas!:
Here is the Sam J Tilden Friday fact that DM gave me...
“Tilden Town”
Yes, Virginia, there is a Tilden... The town of Tilden formed in 1882, not long after SJT's unsuccessful presidential run. As we have seen in previous facts, SJT did not become very fat and pontificate randomly about pseudo science (like some other popular vote winners-but-still-losers of the office). Instead, he quietly retired from politics while maintaining enough dignity and supporters to be forever memorialized 1100 miles away from his lifelong home of New York City, in Tilden, Wisconsin
And since we're so short:
My wife & I are trying to make at least one new home-made Christmas tree ornament each year, so we will have nothing but those, and old family keepsakes. Here are a few of which I have pictures at hand:
Knitted Rooster
Two elves, carved from basswood eggs, and painted with milk paint
A pysanky Egg of our dog, Ike
Pysanky Chrysanthemum
Knitted orange in netting
South Park nativity, also carved from wooden eggs.
Will take more photos, when I have more light!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sharity Links
These are blogs where people digitized Christmas albums; mainly ones which either are out of print, the copyrights have run out, or are the mono version which were re-released in stereo. Some, however, have newer stuff; download at your discretion.
Home for the Holidays
Ernie (Not Bert)
Music You (Possibly) Won't Hear Anyplace Else
Check the Cool Wax
This is a sampling; most of the have links to a lot of other blogs, which do the same thing!
Home for the Holidays
Ernie (Not Bert)
Music You (Possibly) Won't Hear Anyplace Else
Check the Cool Wax
This is a sampling; most of the have links to a lot of other blogs, which do the same thing!
Feeders Links Dec. 15, 2011
Question #11:
Why did you want to get into radio? Is this what you want for a career or will you pursue another “dream job” if the opportunity presents itself?
Natasha's Answer:
I’ve wanted to go into radio for a long time. As I’m writing this, I can’t believe that I’m answering your questions about my job in radio. Ha. It’s surreal and I’m pinching myself. Ouch. I grew up listening to talk and music radio. My dad always had it on and that’s how he would teach me. I learned about the news, I learned history, I learned to love classic rock and the oldies. My dad always had an anecdote to go along with whatever was on the radio. Radio played such a huge part in my upbringing that it just seemed like a natural career direction for me. And plus, it’s really really fun.
Bonus Question:
Natasha, as one of the 9 4th Hour Supreme Court Justices you picked, I was wondering what caught your eye on each of our 9 applications. Or has it been too long to remember? -Mac in WV
Natasha's Answer:
Ha, it’s been a long time, but all of the Supreme Court justice applications were so creative and thoughtful. It really was tough to pick just 9! I think I looked for ones that really knew the show well. Don’t feel too lucky yet though, we need to pass this dang constitution if we ever want to call upon your judicial talents!
If we have less than 25 people I will open you up for unmoderated conversations too (as long as you follow the regular rules)

Glenn's Christmas Recipes CFHeather
Video Greeting from Mac in WV
Emergency Essentials Food Storage Sale Beck Junkie
Faith of Fires- Story of King james Bible Rosie
The Real Mrs. Jeffy's Blog DM
CoryE's friend Steve Weber has a blog
If we open Feeders Feed tomorrow for the morning show, will you be here?
100% yes
Does Harry Reid deserve to hang on the butthook?
100% yes.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Feeders Feed Links, Dec. 14, 2011
Question #10:
What sports do you like and what are your favorite teams?
Natasha's Answer:
Well, I was born in Philadelphia so I’m obligated to be a Philly fan. I enjoy watching football. Yes, I know the Eagles are terrible this season. Being a Philly fan though, you get used to losing. And Cole Hamels of the Philles is really hot so I’ll watch them sometimes. I would never say I’m a die-hard sports fan though. I really like watching gymnastics, too. Does that count?
For Tomorrow's 4th Hour, In Protest of the Tyrants,
Men shall all rename themselves "Pat"
Women shall rename themselves "Stu." Dee Cumming
The Real Newt Gingrich B_rad
Stu's wife's webpage Laura NYC
Link to previous butthook hangers TLan
Participation Award for DM in DM
Which person/ people deserves to Hang on the Feeders Feed Butthook? (winners voted on tomorrow)
Santa Monica Atheists 32%
Revote between Corzine, Reid, Waters, and S_Monica Atheists?
Reid, 40%
Comment from flo: BK - I only leave my house about twice a month. It has been a long time since I've had the snot freeze solid in my nose.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Feeders Links, Dec. 13, 2011
Sorry for not being there tonight, but I was having Birthday Dinner!
Question #9
If called to service, will you accept our nomination of you to be queen of the 4th Hour to end the tyranny of Pat and Stu?
Natasha's Answer:
I would be honored! Does a tiara come with the title? I’m all about the tiara.
I’m glad you all like the unofficial feed. You all have made it a great success. I’m a big one on integrity. I do not like ‘gray’ areas (not necessarily a reference to Pat-the-Tyrant). Based on that, today’s events require me to hand the keys for Feeders’ Feed off to DM and TLan (my heroes). Some of you know I ran a Mercury One feed last week. Today, I was welcomed into the organization’s volunteer staff, creating the ‘gray’ area between official and unofficial. I do not want to find myself in a position of being dishonest in the future because I know information that I cannot yet release (and not answering a question can still be a response).I will be popping in from time to time, cuz I luv y’all and would be heart-broken not talking with you all. My Mercury One doooooooooooooodies are not yet specifically defined, but I’m hoping one of them would be to run their feeds (if they have them). The Primer parties (aka Tupperware parties) are currently suspended – but I’m hoping for a re-launch of them soon (with one or two little tweaks to improve them).
So – thank-you, each of you, for making this happen. I only had curiosity that led to the software being used – YOU made the Feeders’ Feed. And you did a great job!
Thank you for Everything, Donna, and Good Luck! Perhaps you'll get to work with Brian Sack!
Steven Lerner (CFHeather)
Occupy the Ports: How the Occupy Movement Has Flipped the Script on Left Wing Activism
What a Mama's Boy gives for Christmas (Mac in WV)
Sheila jackson Lee: Occupy is Pushing Fairness, Equality, Justice; Not Dividing America CFHeather
Nice, DM!
Issa Going After Dems for Allowing Occupy DC to Camp Out CFHeather
Hypnotherapist used by Mac in WV
Tonight's Show Guest Singer RosieHouston
Mickey Mouse's Signature accepted in Walker recall Effort CFHeather
Newt Choosing Romney for VP DM in DM
14 episodes of Larry the Cable Guy Online mainer
Dramatic Chipmunk DM in DM social website links, from Thundercross
Since DM won't be here on Friday:
TLan deliver SJTF 50%
Comment from CFHeather:Has anyone else noticed that Jeffy's christmas tree has big red balls, and the one behind glenn in the radio studio has no balls??
Monday, December 12, 2011
Feeders Links, Dec. 12, 2011
Question # 8
When/how did you discover Glenn Beck, and what do your friends think of Glenn and your working for him?
Natasha's Answer:
I used to listen to Glenn with my Dad in the car. At first I would listen because I had to (can’t jump out of a moving car!) but then after awhile I started to really like him. It’s bizarre to think I went from listening to him in my dad’s beat up jeep to working for him! Most of my friends think it’s really cool. But some friends don’t even know who GB is. Basically, my generation sucks.
Book American Progressivism, by Ronald J. Pestritto Rosie Houston
Michael Savage to Offer Newt $1Million to Drop Out of Race
Lincoln- Vampire Hunter Mac in WV
Book Its Very Simple- Story of Civil Rights Tim in OH/ Robert DFW
@Thundercross: Sorry, didn't see your question. Yes, I turned Nexdef off, to keep from stalling.
Michael Savage Offers Newt $1 Millon to Drop Out of Race
Canned Butter Rosie
Short story: Was drinking a cup of coffee this morning, and I kept hearing this cracking sound. Dripping water, maybe? saw nothing. Sat back down, heard it again. The dog chewing on something> No, he's asleep. Sat back down, and heard it again. Kept walking around, until I got near the Christmas tree we put up last night. (By the way, a 7' tree fit easily in the VW Beetle; I could have put in an 8' tree, without it touching the windshield!) I thought, "Oh,crap, I've pulled a Clark Griswold, and brought home a squirrel!" It was the pine cones, warming up and snapping open. I have a floor full of pine seeds now!
TLan80: vote on all my Constitutional changes/ additions together, or individually?
59% together
TLan's 75% compromise (provided JKPT stays in as an amendment)
No results available
Revote: TLan80: with just a 66% veto, no compromise, vote on all my Constitutional changes/ additions together, or individually?
95% together
Who is your top candidate this week?
Michele Bachman 56%
Unsure 24%
Rick Santorum 16%
Do you support the TLan Package? 51% vote yes needed to make changes to the Constitution.
100% yes
A Little Classical Christmas Today.
From Mac in WV, from that OTHER Feed:
Donna: oh, there's feed-stalker Guest
James K Polk: nope, Ben just like i've got, you bugger
James K Polk: nope, Ben just like i've got, you bugger
Friday, December 9, 2011
Feeders Links, Dec. 9, 2011
Question #7
Natasha's Answer:
Well that’s easy! I would cannibalize Stu first. That way, he couldn’t tell me what to do and that means less work for me. Oh, revenge is sweet.
They're all the key Socialists he brought with him!
U.N. Agenda 21's "Walkability" CFHeather
What Scholastic is Teaching your Kids About Occupiers CFHeather
Obama Gives Homeland Security Grants to Mosque, Abortion Clinics CFHeather
New York University to Offer 2 Classes on Occupy Movement CFHeather
Frontman for the group Korn: Obama is an Illuminati Puppet CFHeather
Gingrich calls Palestinians "An Invented People"
I don't agree with him on much, but HEAR!HEAR! They are nomads; THEY are the people not meant to have a country!
Biden singing "The Villages" TLan80
Kagan Was Brought into Loop on Levin's Obamacare Complaint CFHeather
Band Guests from Today's Show: Madison Rising TLan80
The B.S. of A.'s sponsor is real! TLan80
From DM in DM, This Week's Samuel J Tilden Friday Fact!
SJT & Slavery Many people label SJT as an anti-slavery Democrat simply because he ran for Attorney General of New york under the “soft shell” (anti-slavery) faction of the Democrat party. In reality, his position is a bit more complex. Prior to the war, Tilden may have been against slavery but he was more concerned about protecting the Union than freeing slaves- to the point of advocating complete “non-action” on slavery in the South. The following excerpt is from : It was not just southern Democrats who viewed the election of Lincoln and the Republicans as the death knell for slavery; many northern Democrats held the same view....Other northern Democrats also assailed the anti-slavery positions of the Republicans – including Samuel Tilden (a New York state assemblyman and later the chair of the state Democrat Party, state governor, and then presidential candidate). Tilden affirmed that southern secession be could halted only if Republicans publicly abandoned their anti-slavery positions: [T]he southern states will not by any possibility accept the avowed creed of the Republican Party as the permanent policy of the federative government as to slavery. . . . Nothing short of the recession [drawing back] of the Republican Party to the point of total and absolute non-action on the subject of slavery in the states and territories could enable it to reconcile to itself the people of the South. While any argument in favor of continuing slavery is obviously inexcusable, it is important to note that, though his writings and political actions, it appears Tilden's primary concern over the broken Union was protecting the nation from creating a powerful centralized government in the aftermath of the War |
Which Do We Do on Tuesday?
Everybody be JKP 56%
Everybody be Pat or Stu 44%
Comment from CFHeather: My mom had an 8 track in her car when I was a little kid...
Thanks for making me feel old, little girl!
To The Moon (program), ALICE
Another view of Mercury One Charity, beyond the stated goals:
We started out about three years ago, learning about the Apollo Alliance, the Van Jones / George Soros organization which brought us the Stimulus bill. We learned too late, to educate people.
I moved back, to re-learn lessons from "Atlas Shrugged." However, we are not all financially independent like Hank Rearden; there is no reflection device to hide our property from government & its taxes. My original thought was, we must hide in plain sight, but that would be accepting defeat.
We now move to the original program: Mercury, the program of One.
We are NOT Society: a swarming mass ruled by the swaying dictates of the times.
We are individuals, combined together; out of many, one: E Pluribus Unum. Ruled by law.
Socialists want and Progressives want Big Government, a complete negation of the Foundation of the United (but Individual) States.
Big Government is a self-fufilling monster, creating regulations to make society dependant upon it, a source of forced "charity," which itself creates the NEED for that "charity."
Mercury One negates that: We, once again, become the leaders. WE become the source of, not charity, but help and learning. We take back the role which Big Government has assigned to itself. We defeat Big Government by eliminating the need for it. Individuals banding together to help each other.
We move forward, to the beginning.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Feeders Links, Dec. 8, 2011
Question #6
What was your favorite test product and why?
Natasha's Answer:
I really loved the Rejuvenique Mask. It was just so creepy and weird. The scars were worth it.
Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation
Already planning for A Feeders Feed Hotel in Arlington, TX for Restoring Love Event!
(stay away from hotels on 360- it's a ghetto, says CFHeather)
(p.s.- guess where the first assignment in Arlington will probably be!!)
Look for ones off of I-30 and Lamar, or in the 76006 zip code, between Cooper and Collins.
From Rosie: if you are interested in staying in the same hotel, email her at
Map of Hotels Near The Event CFHeather Jeffi is a girl in MI
"Total Liquid Vapors" e-cig Fedup Hobbit
274 Troops Remains Dumped in Landfill Mac in WV
((shaking head)) Mac in WV's Christmas Wish: Big Purple Pimp Costume
(personally, I wish Mercury would offer those little chalkboards, like you used to have when you were a kid!)
Occupy Iowa Steals From 65year old Evicted man DM in DM
Webster Teen Charged in Fire that Killed Dad, 2 Brothers Barb in N NJ Jeffi
video Europe- The Final Countdown B_rad
Short movie Overview of America B_rad
Italy Restaurant in Arlington, TX CFHeather
Are you going to Restoring Love?
(no results)
Does Obama's "Teddy" speech deserve to hang on the Butthook? (100% needed)
"Garden of Beasts"
Read it 55
Reading It 0%
Have it but not started5%
Do not have it 91%
@Mac: personally, I try to see every person and thing in my life, no matter how good or bad, as a lesson in growing- how to be, how NOT to act, what I want to change or keep about myself and around me.
@Nix of OH: Oh, thanks! "I could hit Mike with a rock if I threw it hard enough...or Stinky"
I'll remember that, my friend! :)
Comment from Mac in WV: What the living hell?!?! I was just in a parallel Feeders' Feed dimension!!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Feeders Links, Dec. 7, 2011
Question #5
What would be the three most important things parents of college-age kids do to inoculate them against progressivism on campus?
Natasha's Answer:
1) Tell them to believe half of what they see and none of what they hear. Never take a professors word as truth. Always question everything.
2) Get off campus. Do not rely on school to shape your views. Always be involved in other activities that aren’t related to school. As Mark Twain supposedly said, “Don’t let your schooling get in the way of your education!”
3) Make them read “In the Garden of Beasts.”
2) Get off campus. Do not rely on school to shape your views. Always be involved in other activities that aren’t related to school. As Mark Twain supposedly said, “Don’t let your schooling get in the way of your education!”
3) Make them read “In the Garden of Beasts.” Lynda in Tampa
Rollins Band- Liar CFHeather
Virtual US Embassy in Iran Blocked the Day After It Went Online Donna
For Dee: Uplula Magazine Loader My 90 lb wife uses one to load her 13 round Sig; makes loading a 9mm mag easier than using a Pez dispenser!
Bad Girls Guns FEDUP HOBBIT run by CoryE's friend, Doug Ritter
@Nix: Canning is super-easy; pick up a Ball Blue Book in the canning supplies of most grocery stores; This is also a good start.
and from Rainmaker Joe:
Video Testimony from Lubby's Massacre Survivor CFHeather TheJim- KY
Idea of what Glenn may announce tomorrow Rosie.Houston
Palestinian Media Watch CoryE-CA TLan80
You're a Mean One... Mac in WV
Which Person/people most deserve to hang on the Feeders Feed BUTTHOOK? Winner will be voted on tomorrow
Obama's Speech, 56%
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Feeders Links, Dec. 6, 2011
No more smelly city smells, I won’t have to walk a mile, get on a train, and then walk another mile through one of the most popular tourism attractions in the world to get work every day, No income tax in Dallas!, Cowboys, An excuse to wear my extensive collection of cowgirl boots.
Not seeing those iconic NYC landmarks every day, The energy of NYC, not being able to run out and get Shake Shack, an infomercial product, a robot costume on a moments notice, No New York style pizza, I hear it’s really hot in Texas…
Obama's Speech in Osawatomie, KS we find Weather Underground's Newsletter was named...
(Sweet find, CFHeather!)
Tonight: James B-Nashvegas ewwww. Thanks, CFHeather. TheJim - KY
Pentagon report: China or Islamic terrorists Behind '08 Financial Crash? CFHeather
@ PeachyinGA: Political Pendulum Theory: Arthur Schlesinger Jr's The Cycles of History ?
Silver Supplier CFHeather
Mac in WV's new source Lehmans Non-Electric Amish Supply Catalog
Video Death to Pennies Robert in DFW
Comment from JB in IN:
Kyle Bass, who runs a hedge fund called Hyman Capital Management in Texas, is gaining notoriety as an investor with the foresight to anticipate today's growing sovereign debt crisis. If eurozone governments ultimately write down their debt because the weight of supporting banks becomes too great, Kyle Bass will go down as one of the earliest to recognize and position for that. His worldwide view dire, and it's apparent;y prompted him to take some strange precautions such as acquiring $1 million in nickels (20 million coins) because their 6.8 cents value as scrap metal exceeds their monetary worth.
Comment from JB in IN:
Kyle Bass, who runs a hedge fund called Hyman Capital Management in Texas, is gaining notoriety as an investor with the foresight to anticipate today's growing sovereign debt crisis. If eurozone governments ultimately write down their debt because the weight of supporting banks becomes too great, Kyle Bass will go down as one of the earliest to recognize and position for that. His worldwide view dire, and it's apparent;y prompted him to take some strange precautions such as acquiring $1 million in nickels (20 million coins) because their 6.8 cents value as scrap metal exceeds their monetary worth.
George Thorogood video One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer Beck Junkie
From Jeffi in MI Private Republican Phone Call: Too Dangerous to Attack Obama Personally you bunch of gutless, self-absorbed wussies.
Combat Cocks Mac in WV
Did Newt's interview this morning help you decide to:
NOT vote for him, 88%
Who is better (GAG)
Newt 26%
Romney 74%
Who is your top Candidate this week?
63% Michele Bachman
From TL80- JKPT fact: JKP's wife Sarah acted as his secretary by keeping her traveling husband aware of local political events. |
Thundercross re: Faraday computer case. Probably wouldn't work, since the computer would be plugged in. Unless you made a shell or box that would be insulated from the computer, and you could tuck the wires inside when it' unplugged. And thanks for confirming, TheJim. Depending on what it's used for, perhaps a laptop, which you could plug a bigger monitor/ xternal drives if needed?
I was lucky today, dee; I got a lot posted. Made up for the Monday, when I had NOTHING.
Good luck on the back surgery, Mindy!
Prayers for CoryE's son, Chris.
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