Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Feeders Links, Dec. 13, 2011

Sorry for not being there tonight, but I was having Birthday Dinner!

Question #9
If called to service, will you accept our nomination of you to be queen of the 4th Hour to end the tyranny of Pat and Stu?
Natasha's Answer:
I would be honored! Does a tiara come with the title? I’m all about the tiara.

I’m glad you all like the unofficial feed. You all have made it a great success. I’m a big one on integrity. I do not like ‘gray’ areas (not necessarily a reference to Pat-the-Tyrant). Based on that, today’s events require me to hand the keys for Feeders’ Feed off to DM and TLan (my heroes). Some of you know I ran a Mercury One feed last week. Today, I was welcomed into the organization’s volunteer staff, creating the ‘gray’ area between official and unofficial. I do not want to find myself in a position of being dishonest in the future because I know information that I cannot yet release (and not answering a question can still be a response).

I will be popping in from time to time, cuz I luv y’all and would be heart-broken not talking with you all. My Mercury One doooooooooooooodies are not yet specifically defined, but I’m hoping one of them would be to run their feeds (if they have them). The Primer parties (aka Tupperware parties) are currently suspended – but I’m hoping for a re-launch of them soon (with one or two little tweaks to improve them).

So – thank-you, each of you, for making this happen. I only had curiosity that led to the software being used – YOU made the Feeders’ Feed. And you did a great job!

Thank you for Everything, Donna, and Good Luck!  Perhaps you'll get to work with Brian Sack!

Steven Lerner http://newlaborforum.cuny.edu/Current/2011/FAll/Article2.aspx (CFHeather)
Occupy the Ports: How the Occupy Movement Has Flipped the Script on Left Wing Activism

What a Mama's Boy gives for Christmas (Mac in WV)

 Sheila jackson Lee: Occupy is Pushing Fairness, Equality, Justice; Not Dividing America CFHeather

Nice, DM!

Issa Going After Dems for Allowing Occupy DC to Camp Out CFHeather

Hypnotherapist used by Mac in WV

Tonight's Show Guest Singer http://alexboye.com/ RosieHouston

Mickey Mouse's Signature accepted in Walker recall Effort CFHeather

Newt Choosing Romney for VP DM in DM

14 episodes of Larry the Cable Guy Online mainer

Dramatic Chipmunk DM in DM

http://identi.ca/   http://unthink.com/ social website links, from Thundercross

Since DM won't be here on Friday:
TLan deliver SJTF 50%

Comment from CFHeather:Has anyone else noticed that Jeffy's christmas tree has big red balls, and the one behind glenn in the radio studio has no balls??

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