Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Dream (?!?) of My Portfolio to Brian Sack (with Many Parentheses)

First, I don't like to be on camera, and second, WHY and HOW would I have such a stupid video camera?  Also:  I'm good at rewriting things, not writing things on demand, and I really don't want to go to New York.

I never remember dreams, so that makes it bad.  I remember this as a recurring dream, which means either  I had deja vu in a dream; or it really did happen before, and I keep cramming it really deep down in my hole of memories.

I was at a Little League baseball game, when a fight broke out.  My camera man (at a kid's game?) (my own camera man?) captured me doing hilarious things (which I can never remember, which is why I'm in Ohio) involving a banjo & Bigfoot (a true life non-event which did NOT include me; don't ask).  I rushed with the film (FILM?!?) to New York to get it developed, to show to Brian Sack.

Now the weird part.

The film itself was about two feet wide, and as thick as a cheap flower print vinyl tablecloth from the Dollar Store.  Brian himself show me how to develop it.  Who would have known he had such skills at working with something that would put Imax equipment to shame?

1.  Cut film into 3 foot sections.
2.  Fold the corners back two inches.
3.  Shove each corner into the tool which melts the folded-over section together, and punches a hole in it.  Brian explains: "The film is SO FREAKING HEAVY, it has to be reinforced so the machine doesn't tear it when it goes through."
4.  Lay film on conveyer belt, put the punches holes over the pegs on the conveyer belt when they come up, and make sure it's flat.
5. Run to the other side of the machine, grabbing the heat-proof gloves as you go.  The film is really hot and floppy at this point.  No one thought of putting something on the other side of the machine to catch the film, so one must grab it, or it will fall to the floor and stick to itself in a big Saran-wrap-like mess.  Did I mention it's really hot?  And two feet wide?  And a sheet of heavy rubber with what looks like three magnetic strips on it? (unless that's a mistake, and I went to New York only to have bad film)

I asked Brian WHY he used such a ridiculous and impossible media, but he shrugged his shoulders, and sheepishly said "That's what we have."  I don't know if that was his way of trying to not work with outside people, or his way of saying "Glenn thought it would be a good character builder to make me the ONLY COMEDIAN IN THE WORLD to use this archane format."
(And what would the camera look like, that I would have someone follow me around using it?!?)

And there's Jack Helmuth off to the side, laughing his ass off.

1 comment:

  1. Glenn's always saying to follow the breadcrumbs... mighty weird breadcrumbs there... simply a bit of nonsense that made me smile first thing in the morning.
