Friday, December 9, 2011

Feeders Links, Dec. 9, 2011

Question #7
If you were stuck on a desert island with Jeffy, Pat, Stu, and Glenn, who would you cannibalize first?
Natasha's Answer:
Well that’s easy! I would cannibalize Stu first. That way, he couldn’t tell me what to do and that means less work for me. Oh, revenge is sweet.


I love this: 8 People Obama Needs to Fire In Order to Win the 2012 Election
They're all the key Socialists he brought with him!

U.N. Agenda 21's "Walkability" CFHeather

What Scholastic is Teaching your Kids About Occupiers CFHeather

Obama Gives Homeland Security Grants to Mosque, Abortion Clinics CFHeather

New York University to Offer 2 Classes on Occupy Movement CFHeather

Frontman for the group Korn: Obama is an Illuminati Puppet CFHeather

Gingrich calls Palestinians "An Invented People"
I don't agree with him on much, but HEAR!HEAR!  They are nomads; THEY are the people not meant to have a country!

Biden singing "The Villages" TLan80

Kagan Was Brought into Loop on Levin's Obamacare Complaint CFHeather

Band Guests from Today's Show: Madison Rising TLan80

The B.S. of A.'s sponsor is real! TLan80

From DM in DM, This Week's Samuel J Tilden Friday Fact!

SJT & Slavery

Many people label SJT as an anti-slavery Democrat simply because he ran for Attorney General of New york under the “soft shell” (anti-slavery) faction of the Democrat party. In reality, his position is a bit more complex. Prior to the war, Tilden may have been against slavery but he was more concerned about protecting the Union than freeing slaves- to the point of advocating complete “non-action” on slavery in the South.
The following excerpt is from :

It was not just southern Democrats who viewed the election of Lincoln and the Republicans as the death knell for slavery; many northern Democrats held the same view....Other northern Democrats also assailed the anti-slavery positions of the Republicans – including Samuel Tilden (a New York state assemblyman and later the chair of the state Democrat Party, state governor, and then presidential candidate). Tilden affirmed that southern secession be could halted only if Republicans publicly abandoned their anti-slavery positions:
[T]he southern states will not by any possibility accept the avowed creed of the Republican Party as the permanent policy of the federative government as to slavery. . . . Nothing short of the recession [drawing back] of the Republican Party to the point of total and absolute non-action on the subject of slavery in the states and territories could enable it to reconcile to itself the people of the South.
While any argument in favor of continuing slavery is obviously inexcusable, it is important to note that, though his writings and political actions, it appears Tilden's primary concern over the broken Union was protecting the nation from creating a powerful centralized government in the aftermath of the War

Which Do We Do on Tuesday?
Everybody be JKP  56%
Everybody be Pat or Stu   44%

Comment from CFHeather: My mom had an 8 track in her car when I was a little kid...
Thanks for making me feel old, little girl!

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